Saturday, May 25, 2013

A sick presentation..

Well, the last presentation, I talked about the Learning communities.
The reason why I chose this topic is mainly because I’m participating in a students’ team who support two kindergarten of FundaciĆ³n Integra. The purpose is to foment the participation of every educative actor in children’s learning and in particular, on creating a learning community.  We collect information about the kids, fathers and the teachers, and with there, we do days of reflection in relation to “we want for our children education” with them
The learning communities are a project based in a group of educative actions of success direct to social and educative transformation. This educational model is support by international scientific theories which remarks two key factors for learning in the society: interactions and participation in the community. This imply every person who direct o indirectly affect the learning and the development of students, including teachers, families, friends, neighbors, associations’ partners, neighborhood’s organizations, volunteer works, etc.
It’s extremely relevant because I think that our discipline can provide a lot in the work with the communities and in the implementation of this new learning method where each person can contribute to the education of other members of their community. 
In relation to the structure of my presentation, I think that it didn’t had a defined structure, because, I just started with my motivation for the topic, then I explained what was the Learning communities and finally, I mentioned the relevance for the field. I don’t know it took me and I do not know how it turned the presentation, I was very sick. I hope this has gone well :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

To be or not To be, that is the question

When I was in school I could never decide on a career clearly. I wanted to be a doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer and many others. I graduated 4th  at the school and unfortunately I unaware that study, for this reason I joined to Bachillerato program at the University of Chile. My goal was to learn about other career from within the university. There I had a subject of psychology and loved it. We took topics about human behaviour, perception, thoughts, emotions, etc, Also I had excellent qualifications and on the way I was seeing that psichology was what I wanted for my life. One of the reason why I wanted this was  the social value it has. Through psychology I feel that I can help people to develop a more comprehensive and so these can be happier.
In that sense, I think the field of psychology has a profound impact on the lives of people from anything area. It is a contribution to society from all areas of psychology, labor, educational, legal, community and clinical
The subject I like this semester is Coaching, there I learn many things related to communication, assertiveness and work skills to function in a good way in our management as psychologists. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Im sexy and I know it

In this awful day I have to talk you about a song, but it isn’t anything song, It´s my favorite song. The truth, I dont have a song in specific, but there is a song i like it very much. This is "Im sexy and I know it" of LMFO group. The videoclip is very funny in particular, because it show LMFO´s members dancing in a amusing way on the beach, and then they have a dance challenge in a party. 
The fist time I listened this song I found it not entertaining but When I saw the video I laughed out loud! And since that moment I remember the song. 
Today "Im sexy and I know it" is very famous becouse Its the central song of a nighttime soap opera about vedettos in Canal 13. This is the hit of the moment, in facts there is a lot of people ask for it on the radio. Personally I like it because is a dance song. I think all of you know very well this song and also you will enjoy it, maybe you should to listen LMFO. 
Here I post you the video of the song! Enjoy it!