Thursday, June 27, 2013

Food! Food! Food!

I recognize that I am a food lover, this is one of the greatest pleasures that exist. But I must also say that my diet has changed in recent years, as a result, have changed my tastes for food. Over two years ago I ate meat, lots of meat. My favorite meals always included some kind of meat, but by things in life, I became a vegetarian, more exactly ovo-lacto-vegetarian. Then I began to favor other foods and this also helped me meet new foods more nutritious.
Although, now I eat more vegetables and healthier food, this has meant some difficulties when I go out to eat, because there are few places with menu vegetarian or simply meatless, that is why I prefer cooking at home many times. But when I eat out, I love going to Dolce Napoli, there my favorite dish is the ravioli with four cheese sauce, delicious! and best of all it is a very large plate and a good price. This restaurant is a few streets of our university.
Another place I like to go, is a sushi local, called Mosutoro, there are many varieties of sushi and my favorites are the tempura, avocado stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in avocado rolls. All with a unique taste. Mosutoro is located one block from Plaza Ñuñoa.
Visit them! (: