Thursday, July 18, 2013

The last post?? "To be a blogger"

In my experience, to be a blogger was funny and also it permitted me know which was the difficulties and abilities in English. I think that I have many errors when I write in the blog, it a very stupid errors, like to put an “s” after of the verbs when I write in third singular person. But I hope remember that rule in the future because it is basic in the English morphology. Also to have a blog imply to be creative writing because then other persons will read the publications. At least I tried writing things interesting, creative; sometimes I want write things amusing, but it is very difficult express that in other language.. Finally it doesn't sound funny.
I liked the most of the themes that we had to write about, my favorite theme was “the friendship” because I showed the post to my friend Erick and he was thrilled with that. He said me: Thanks friend! You made me very happy, now my day is best. For other side, the topic that I have disliked the most is exactly today’s I don’t know.. I feel that I don’t have many ideas for to address about this or maybe I am just a little tired.

After all I fell that  it is a good experience and also a good activity for practice English

1 comment:

  1. Ara! I write with error too :P
    but i think that you know english =)
