Thursday, July 11, 2013

"I am your faithful friend"

One of my best friends is the Erick, this guy stood for years because he worked with my boyfriend, but just greeted each other, until one day add us to facebook and we started talking and paff! we became great friends. I think one of the things I am most grateful to have facebook is having known him, he's really great.

We both like to play guitar, eat, play and sports. He is skater, the best of my commune in my opinion and is probably the best in the area. He can do great tricks on the skateboard and very risky, has also won some awards and championships.

I think we havent so much in common but there is something very special: we could spend hours talking about anything, people, the world, food, work or making us jokes too, maybe that's the best of our friendship, both have a very similar sense of humor, sometimes we tell jokes or we annoying mutually and none  angry ... well I get angry sometimes but just joking.
One day I went with him to do some paperwork and then we went to eat at the mall, and when we were eating  an ice cream appeared some kids with skateboards, obviously my friend wanted to skate and children skateboarding lent my friend, I just  had  my camera and I started record to him, after several attempts  he managed to jump the stairs .. here is the video we made after that day

Amigo this song is for you "I am your faithful friend" Toy Story


  1. I happy for you and your friend is not common have a man as a friend.

  2. Their friendship is so beautiful!
    My boyfriend is skater boy, and is cool! =)

  3. Hi, i think that is fantastic spend many time talking with the friends, though we haven´t many things in common, this is more cool.

  4. wow
    your friend is a fantastic skater! When I was a child I tried go in skate... was terrible! the skate hated me! I fallen much... so I admire the persons that can keep the equilibrium!

  5. Your friend is a skater really incredible!

  6. when we have the same sense of humour or the same interests with our friends its fantastic, i am happy for your friendship :)
